domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2009

Photograph i like

Hello to all of my friends and people who read the best blog ever seen XD while i was studying i thought: Manu! why do you not write something in your blog about a photograph you like? here i am.

This photograph is very special for about a day in Viña del Mar with my best friends. We were at Viña's mall, after a long night of fun (with something of head's pain).
The completely story is the next: one day we were in Metro Las Rejas when i say to my friends: por qué no vamos pa viña?(would do you like to go to Viña del Mar?)...they answer to me positively because that day we were boring. So we traveled to Viña in a few seconds in a bus...since that day we traveled all years to Viña ("Ventana" exactly)'s a tradition now.

This photo was taken automatically for the Francisco's camera and dates from this year xd (second travel).

In this photo from left to right: Patricio(caxero), Francisco(polaco), up Enzo(winnie), and me(papá xd).

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