viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009


Hi...this is my first post in this blog. I would have preferred put something of music or football...but equally is interesting to write about something you like.

I don't like tecnology very much...but one thing about it is essential: pendrive.
Pendrive, USB flash drive, Mp3, Mp4,Mp5, has a lot of names but is only a computer's machine in all tecnology's field.
In my opinion it's a small object that keep in information to be used after. I don't have one, but once i had it...I used to save archives, pictures, music, etc.
It was used to day, hour to hour. I like it because i don´t know how in a very small thing there is a lot of information :S.
Tecnology is in a second plane in my life, so it would be normal without pendrive.

Thanks for reading my first post in romanu-riveri's blog. I'll write more in a no so away future.

6 comentarios:

  1. Hi Manu, how are you?.
    You're right that the pendrive is essential, especially for us that we always have classes and files to study =)
    see you.

  2. Hiii!! I made my blog just now! Pendrive is really necesary when we are study in the university. I have a pink one and is lost!! I can't find it and because of that i really sad.

    kisses! byee

  3. Hi Manoloo =) romanu-riveri!!! jaja
    how are you?
    A pendrive? mm.. yes is very useful for keep information and you can take anywhere.
    Bye... kisses.

  4. Manu!
    The pendrives are just one of the best creations of the last years!
    much better than carry tons of cds or disketts xD

  5. interesting,but is best for me :
    the an external hard drive or MP4...
    the Pendrive Are Over O__O jajaja R.I.P

    cya Manolete =)

  6. Hi Manu! I like that technology is not essencial in your life because it isn't in mine neader.
    take care!
