domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2009

Website i like

Hi to after my reflexion of show you my favorite photograph i thought: Manu! show to your fans your favorite website too :O...

I say to myself: facebook? nop...fulltono? mininova? no i thought in a page that had music, videos, fun, "fútbol", etc. So i answered to myself: youtube! has music, videos, and much more. I don't remember when i discovered it, but it was some long time ago. I was in extasis when i saw it...because i was listening some music bands in that time, so i could to find a lot of these also.
I thought that i only could to find music or something like that, but i was wrong...found whole fútbol matchs, relates, information for school, etc. Even i found concerts of rock bands.

I always say don't like tecnology...but one exception is youtube...exactly is the music i like no the website but that is another story.

Well...i have nothing to say more than thanks to all my readers...bye, can rest your eyes. xD

3 comentarios:

  1. HI MANU ►♪♫
    yeah, youtube is a great website, but facebook is the best.. I think so.
    ah!! and now you are an expert in open the bottles!!!! jajajaja
    I see you tomorrow, kisses.

  2. I love youtube tooo!! is really usefull when you want to study, and fun too when you have time!

    see you! xoxo


  3. Hi Manolo !
    youtube is fun, but I think Jose is right ... FACEBOOK IT'S MOST FUN !

    take care

