viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

Ideal Job

Hello to all!
I’d like to tell you a singular history. It’s about my ideal job.
When I was a kid I liked all animals in the world…I thought that they were helpless, and we should do something. Then I say to myself: Manu!, you should be a veterinary!, and I think this dream is becoming a reality.
I liked too to see football on T.V. and I thought that I could to be a football player, but it was a fun dream only.
To become in a veterinary can to be difficult, but at the same time it’s necessary to be the best. Many times there are obstacles and you must to know to overcome them. If you think that you can’t more…in that moment you’ll know if it’s your ideal job.
To practice a job you must to have a vocation, I think.
Well, I wanted to tell it to all of you…thanks for reading my blog ;)

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2009

Website i like

Hi to after my reflexion of show you my favorite photograph i thought: Manu! show to your fans your favorite website too :O...

I say to myself: facebook? nop...fulltono? mininova? no i thought in a page that had music, videos, fun, "fútbol", etc. So i answered to myself: youtube! has music, videos, and much more. I don't remember when i discovered it, but it was some long time ago. I was in extasis when i saw it...because i was listening some music bands in that time, so i could to find a lot of these also.
I thought that i only could to find music or something like that, but i was wrong...found whole fútbol matchs, relates, information for school, etc. Even i found concerts of rock bands.

I always say don't like tecnology...but one exception is youtube...exactly is the music i like no the website but that is another story.

Well...i have nothing to say more than thanks to all my readers...bye, can rest your eyes. xD

Photograph i like

Hello to all of my friends and people who read the best blog ever seen XD while i was studying i thought: Manu! why do you not write something in your blog about a photograph you like? here i am.

This photograph is very special for about a day in Viña del Mar with my best friends. We were at Viña's mall, after a long night of fun (with something of head's pain).
The completely story is the next: one day we were in Metro Las Rejas when i say to my friends: por qué no vamos pa viña?(would do you like to go to Viña del Mar?)...they answer to me positively because that day we were boring. So we traveled to Viña in a few seconds in a bus...since that day we traveled all years to Viña ("Ventana" exactly)'s a tradition now.

This photo was taken automatically for the Francisco's camera and dates from this year xd (second travel).

In this photo from left to right: Patricio(caxero), Francisco(polaco), up Enzo(winnie), and me(papá xd).

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009


Hi...this is my first post in this blog. I would have preferred put something of music or football...but equally is interesting to write about something you like.

I don't like tecnology very much...but one thing about it is essential: pendrive.
Pendrive, USB flash drive, Mp3, Mp4,Mp5, has a lot of names but is only a computer's machine in all tecnology's field.
In my opinion it's a small object that keep in information to be used after. I don't have one, but once i had it...I used to save archives, pictures, music, etc.
It was used to day, hour to hour. I like it because i don´t know how in a very small thing there is a lot of information :S.
Tecnology is in a second plane in my life, so it would be normal without pendrive.

Thanks for reading my first post in romanu-riveri's blog. I'll write more in a no so away future.